Political analysis of Hansel and Gretel
This story Hansel and Gretel written by Jack Zipes from political point
of view tells us about the struggle between the poor and rich group of people.
The woodcutter and his family represent the poor class people who are forced to
commit deeds because of their poverty. The witch represents the aristocratic
class of people and also symbolizes as the entire feudal system. She is also
symbolized as the greed brutality of the aristocracy which is responsible for
the difficult condition of the poorer class of people.
The killing of the witch is symbolical realization of the hatred felt
by the poor people because of the oppression and exploitation on them by the aristocratic
people. The writer depicts the class conflict and exposes the prejudice and
injustice of feudal ideology. The writer emphasizes that the poor people must
be optimistic and should react appropriately against the oppressors for the
transition of the situation in their favor.
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